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With advances in technology, your business is able to achieve better outcomes, develop better products and maximise productivity like never before. With our large fleet of additive manufacturing equipment, we can work with you to refine those ideas and products.
Whether you are looking for a cost effective visual prototype, or something that requires more advanced materials to test functionality let us use our experience to help.
We take the headache and learning curve out and remove the mystery. All it takes is a file or an idea and we can handle the rest!
Nothing is more important than our customers, we are more than happy to sign a NDA prior to discussing your needs.


Our equipment is maintained and calibrated to an extremely high standard. Our equipment can produce models in a single piece that measure 500x500x500mm meaning that we can make many of your prototypes in one go, instead of having to print a lot of small parts and join together afterwards.

Rapid prototyping: About
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